School fees are collected on a termly basis before the start of each term. There are four(4) terms per year. Readers’ fee are paid separately on a yearly basis.
Our school fees are reviewed yearly. We will inform you of any adjustments (with approval from MOE) six months in advance.
Payment Methods
We accept GIRO, cheque, Paynow and cash payments. However, cashless mode of payment would be much preferred.
For Singaporean children, school fees can be paid using the Child’s Development Account / Baby Bonus Account.
Our Term Fees
N1 Class
$1,357.05 with 9% GST
($452.25 per month)
N2, K1, K2 Classes
$1,308.00 with 9% GST
($436.00 per month)
N2, K1 & K2: 6-hr Program
$2,289.00 with 9% GST
($763.00 per month)
Payment Terms
School fees are collected on a termly basis before the start of each term.
There are four(4) terms per year. Readers’ fee are paid separately on a yearly basis.
Our school fees are reviewed yearly. We will inform you of any adjustments (with approval from MOE) six months in advance.
Payment Methods
We accept GIRO, cheque, Paynow and cash payments. However, cashless mode of payment would be much preferred.
For Singaporean children, school fees can be paid using the Child’s Development Account / Baby Bonus Account.
Look out for our enrollment dates